Apa itu SSID?

SSID even known by the name of service set identifier. It is a string of characters which used to identify a WLAN (wireless local area network). It also known as a “name of network” in some circles. Whenever various independent networks run within the same physical region. This specific name give permission to stations for the connect of selected network.

Service set is any group of wireless devices which directly communicate with one another BSS (basic service set). More than a few BSSs can be link together to form a single rational WLAN segment known as ESS (an extended service set). The alphanumeric name 1-32 byte assign to the ESS is the SSID (Service Set Identifier).

A regional WLAN (ESS), for instance, may include of many APs and hundreds of terminals.

All of which share a common SSID. Some other organization located within the same area. They may have its own WLAN, complete with APs as well as terminals that use a separate SSID. Know that, objective of SSID is to assist stations in sector A in finding and connecting to APs in sector A while disregarding APs in sector B.

The AP broadcasts data packets with the ESS name multiple times each second to indicate its existence (SSID). Different stations can find APs by paying attention for signals or actively searching for an AP also with correct SSID by sending probe packets. After locating a correctly designated AP, the particular station can submit a correlate request frame with the specified SSID. After that the AP responds with an association response frame that includes the SSID.

Certain frames, known as broadcast SSIDs, are allow to convey a blank SSID (zero length). Like, a specific station can transmit a probe request with a broadcast SSID; and the AP should respond with its true SSID. Certain APs set to emit a nil broadcast SSID rather than their true SSID in beacon packets. Moreover, the real SSID conveyed in numerous frames, and it is difficult to keep hidden of value of SSID.

Bagaimana Cara Memulihkan Windows Dari Blue Screen Of Death?

Anda masih belum terlalu yakin apa masalah layar biru tersebut. Anda perlu memeriksa frasa kunci Windows terlebih dahulu.

Pada sistem operasi Windows yang berbeda, seperti 10, 11, dan lainnya, apa yang secara informal disebutkan pada "layar biru kematian". Hal ini umumnya dikenali sebagai kesalahan atau kesalahan sistem yang fatal. Hal ini terjadi setiap kali OS mati; OS mengalami masalah yang membuatnya tidak dapat berfungsi dengan aman. Setiap kali hal ini terjadi, Windows Anda akan menampilkan kesalahan layar biru dengan rincian tentang masalah tersebut sebelum memulai lagi.

Ada beberapa penyebab kesalahan layar biru. Masalah perangkat keras, instalasi driver yang buruk, dan kegagalan sistem operasi, dll.

Terbaru Sistem operasi windowsseperti 11 dan 10, lebih dapat diandalkan daripada sebelumnya. Anda tidak akan mengalami masalah layar biru mati secara berulang. Anda juga harus waspada bahwa masalah layar biru yang terjadi kapan saja tidak selalu menjadi masalah. Windows jarang menampilkan BSOD dan setelahnya melanjutkan operasi biasa setelah restart.

Ketika Anda mengalami masalah layar biru, Anda harus melihat solusi yang menyertai masalah layar biru.

1. Temukan Kode Berhenti karena Penting.

Karena banyaknya jenisnya, sangat sulit untuk membicarakan tentang cara memperbaiki masalah layar biru tanpa mengenali masalah yang Anda hadapi. Jadi, mengenali akar masalahnya adalah langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan saat menyelesaikan masalah layar biru.

Versi Windows BSOD menyertakan emoji wajah cemberut bersama dengan kesalahan runtime. Anda dapat memindai kode dengan kamera ponsel Anda ke halaman Dukungan Microsoft.

Hal utama yang perlu diingat adalah kode berhenti yang Anda temukan di layar. Ini akan membantu Anda melakukan debugging.

2. Lakukan Pemecahan Masalah Terkait Kode Anda

Masalah-masalah ini bukanlah layar biru yang Anda temui, meskipun sering terjadi. Jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan kode masalah dengan tepat atau debugging, buka halaman solusi generik.

3. Pemberitahuan Perubahan yang dilakukan oleh Anda baru-baru ini

Ketika Anda melakukan modifikasi apa pun, mungkin Anda bisa mengalami masalah layar biru. Modifikasi ini mungkin menyuntikkan aspek-aspek yang mungkin mengganggu ke dalam sistem yang stabil.

Jika Anda baru saja menambahkan sistem baru, putuskan sambungannya untuk memeriksa apakah layar biru terus berlanjut. Buka opsi Pengaturan > sekarang pilih Pembaruan dan Keamanan > pergi ke pilihan Pembaruan Windows > sekarang Lihat Riwayat. Di sini Anda akan menemukan pembaruan Windows yang baru saja Anda instal.

Di sini, di layar ini, pilih opsi Copot pemasangan pembaruan terbaru Anda dan kemudian hapus pemasangan pembaruan terbaru untuk menentukan apakah pembaruan tersebut memperbaiki masalah.

4. Amati Windows serta Pembaruan Driver

Meskipun pembaruan yang tidak terinstal dengan benar dapat menyebabkan kesulitan, Microsoft & perusahaan pihak ketiga sering kali menyediakan pembaruan untuk mengatasi kerentanan seperti itu. Jalankan pembaruan yang beredar dari pilihan Pengaturan > kemudian dengan memilih Keamanan dan Pembaruan > dan pilihan Pembaruan Windowsjika mereka menanggung biaya perbaikan.

Bahkan, penting untuk memeriksa driver terbaru Anda, karena biasanya driver tersebut merupakan penyebab masalah layar biru. Untuk memeriksa opsi pengguna daya, Anda perlu menerapkan Menang + x. Kemudian Anda harus memilih opsi Device Manager.

Cari simbol segitiga kuning pada item apa pun yang merekomendasikan masalah driver. Perangkat tertentu yang terkait dengan hal ini harus diperiksa dengan cermat, karena Anda mungkin harus menginstal ulang atau Anda perlu menghapus perangkat tertentu.

Anda harus mencari pembaruan dengan menekan tombol kanan mouse & memilih opsi Pembaruan Driver, ingatlah bahwa hal ini tidak selalu efektif.

Bagaimana cara memulihkan nama pengguna dan kata sandi Router?

Bagaimana cara memulihkan nama pengguna dan kata sandi Router? – We do not assist users in circumventing network security measures as professionals. Even though, if you’ve forgotten the login or password for a router which you own or have allowed access to, the portions below should help.

Bagaimana cara memulihkan nama pengguna dan kata sandi Router?

Password and username available by default

You may wish to try the default login and unique password before conducting a factory reset on the particular router. Although this is not true for all the available routers, this could allow you connection. The below is the default login for any specific router in many circumstances.

Admin atau Administrator or is the default username.

<Blank>, Password or admin, can be a default password

Performing the option of router reset

  • If somehow the default login and unique password no longer work, it was most likely change by you or by your network manager. Just on back or bottom of most routers is a small keyhole button.
  • Pressing this button down for the period of just 10-15 seconds hard resets the available router. This step returns all settings to their normal state, permitting you to utilize the factory default password and username.
  • After the router has been reset, you can access the setup screen as well as change the password to anything you want.
  • You must also re-enter any settings that were already in place prior to the process of reset.
  • If somehow the router seems to be from your Internet Service Provider and you’re unable to hard reset it, you can contact the Internet Service Provider for assistance in changing the password and login.

Without Password Port Forwarding

You can additionally redirect ports without knowing the login by utilizing Universal Plug and Play (UPnP). Some routers permit programs to open ports via the router. When your router supports UPnP, it will immediately open the appropriate ports. You can always use UPnP PortMapper to forward ports of your choice. It is a more sophisticate approach compare to the others and could be challenging to implement for beginners.

How to fix wifi Dead Zones?

How to fix wifi Dead Zones? – Did you ever gone to a peaceful corner of your house, sat down, started your computer, and found you didn’t have internet connection?

It is a challenge with larger spaces—the Wi-Fi connection is really not sufficient to cover every area of your home. A large area or an excess of impediments (such as walls) might make it difficult for the signal to contact your computer.

Information About Wi-Fi Dead Spot?

It is a location in your home where you do not receive a good Wi-Fi connectivity. You may detect these places by roaming about with a gadget that gets a network connection. Whenever you are in a WiFi dead zone, the gadget may lose connection.

What Should I Do to Solve this Problem?

There are many options for enhancing your Wi-Fi connection, each with a different price & predicted range. Whenever weighing your alternatives, you need to keep the following six factors:

  • The users/devices who will require network access.
  • The quality of protection required. Is the WiFi dead zone extensive? Is there more than one WiFi dead zone?
  • Setting is simple. Do you willing to amend or increase if necessary?
  • Statistics are given. Is it possible to control and analyze the connection (for commercial purposes)?
  • If you require business or consumer grade stuff. For a bigger residence, commercial-level may be a better option.

Certain solutions are significantly more expensive than others.Continue reading to learn about numerous ways to strengthen your wifi signal so you can make the most of your wifi router and prevent dead zones.

Ways to Remove Wi-Fi Dead Spots in Your Home

1. Place Your Router In Correct Place

Place your router as near the centre of your home as feasible. Most individuals typically place their router against the exterior wall where their wire or DSL connection enters. Although this is the easiest method for configuring the router, it is not the most efficient. Search for a bookcase or multimedia cabinet that may work. Prevent closets since every wall or door that it must pass through it will diminish the frequency.

You’ll need to have an electrical outlet and a hardwired link to your wire or DSL service. This may appear difficult, but it is lot simpler than what most people believe. There are many producers of flat, relatively thin coaxial & ethernet wires that may connect your router to a centralized location. Some have sticky backings and will adhere to your surfaces.

It necessitates some effort and forethought, but positioning your router appropriately can limit the amount of dead zones and lost connections.


Cheap cost (if any)

If you do not have many machines trying to connect to the internet this is a great option. Possibly, you do not have many machines trying to connect to the internet this is a great option. If you do not have many machines trying to connect to the internet this is a great option. Disadvantages:

A location with an AC source may be difficult to locate. Relocating the router could eliminate some dead zones, but it could not cover all locations in a big area.

2. Setup Your Router

Initially, ensure that your router’s wireless power output is set to fully capacity. Some routers come pre-set at 75% or automatically switch. It can be accomplished by visiting your system’s configuration online – each network is distinct, so consult the handbook to learn how to do so.

Furthermore, ensure that you utilize only single 802.11 protocol that all of your devices connected are set to utilize the same one. The mixed-mode functioning might cause the router’s efficiency to suffer.


  • No cost
  • Simple to setup and efficient solution

How To Find Router Ip Address?

How To Find Router Ip Address? – Under ordinary circumstances, you’ll never need to know your router’s IP (Internet Protocol) address. The IP address, which is how other computers and devices on the internet can identify your computer, is a piece of your network that works silently in the background.

How To Find Router Ip Address?

Sometimes, though, you might need your router’s IP address to troubleshoot a network problem, to configure software, or to visit the router’s settings panel in a browser.While finding your IP address is fairly easy, the process depends on what kind of device you’re using to find it.

Here’s how to find your router’s IP address using a Windows computer, Mac computer, iPhone or iPad, and Android device.

How to find router IP address using Windows

  • Right-click the Windows icon in the bottom-left of your screen, and select “Command Prompt.”
  • In the Command Prompt window, type “IPCONFIG” and press Enter.
  • Find the “Default Gateway” section. The number listed here is your router’s IP address.

Ways to find the IP address of your router using a Mac

  • Click the Apple icon at the top-left of the screen and choose “System Preferences.”
  • Click “Network.”
  • In the list on the left side of the window, choose your network and then click “Advanced” at the bottom-right of the window.
  • Finally, click “TCP/IP.” You should see the router’s IP address, listed next to “Router.”

How to find the IP address of your router using an iPhone or iPad

  1. Tap “Settings” and then tap “Wi-Fi.”
  2. On the Wi-Fi page, tap the Wi-Fi network you’re connected to.
  3. Scroll down to the “IPV4 ADDRESS” section. Your router’s IP address will be listed next to “Router.”

How to find the IP address of your router using an Android phone

Unfortunately, Android phones typically have no built-in tool for finding your router’s IP address.

Some Android models running customized interfaces — like Samsung’s One UI found in Galaxy phones — give you access to this information, but it’s generally easier to find the router’s IP address using another device, like your laptop or desktop computer.

How to Change Wifi Password?

You may update password of your Wi-Fi by using a web browser to access your router’s setup page.To efficiently keep your existing router safe, bring up-to-date the password whenever you purchase another one.In case you have forgotten credentials of your Wi-Fi, you can utilizea cable of ethernet to access the network.

A Wi-Fi connects your devices to the web without the use of cumbersome ethernet connections. However, a unique password is required to maintain your connection secure.Anyone may join to your Wi-Fi network without a unique password. This implies that outsiders can control the network, decrease the speed of your connection. In the worst-case situation, they may use your devices to install malware & steal important data.

To stay away from this, update the existing password of your network.It is very simple, though you have to visit your router’s setup page.

Follow this step-by-step instruction to modify the default router WiFi password.


  1. Log in to the Router admin panel with the IP address (default) /
  2. In most circumstances, provide the default login name and password (admin/admin).
  3. Go to Wireless option > then choose Wireless Security > and finally choose the option WPA/WPA2 – Personal (Preferred) > Password and fill in the strong password.
  4. Specify your selected password then click on Save.

D -Link:

  1. Sign in to the setting page of your router with /, which is the default IP address.
  2. Enter your login information (or use the default username & password).
  3. Navigate to Wireless option> and then Wireless Security > choose WPA2 Security Mode > Enter your desired password in the Pre-Shared Key field.
  4. Apply the change > after this you need to restart your WiFi to apply the new password.


  1. Enter / / http://routerlogin.com/ in your web browser and it will take you to your router’s configuration page.
  2. Enter the default password and username for authentication.
  3. Navigate to Wireless > choose Security Options > WPA2-PSK [AES] > Finish Now, in Password, enter your selected password.
  4. Apply the modifications and restart your WiFi for the changes to take effect.

Bagaimana Cara Membuat Daftar Hitam Pengguna WiFi?

Blacklist WiFi User – There are more than a few devices can connect wirelessly to a Wifi without any type of password on public Wifi hotspots and by entering any credential on password-secured Wireless connections.The higher number of WiFi users, the lower the connection speed and quality for each of them. Data consumption rises for the particular host, and connecting WiFi users generally experience choppy internet access and bad connection.

The host retains control over the connection to the internet as well as the WiFi subscribers which are joined to the particular router.Here’s how you can add WiFi users to your network’s blocklist. You may accomplish this by utilising the access control tool & blocking the WiFi connection on your private network. You must enable Access Control for this to work, and here’s how.


  • Arahkan ke atau in your web browser.
  • Use your default login name and password to sign in.
  • Now you need to navigate to Advanced > Security and then need to enter in Access Control.
  • Beneath Online Connections, you can see who is using your private WiFi network.
  • Now you just need to Click on the Block Icon and then click on Save.


  • In your web browser, enter IP like atau as your default gateway IP address.
  • Log in with the standard admin credentials (it will be admin/admin).
  • Navigate to Wireless > Advanced Wireless > ACL Setup.
  • Now, you need to click “Enable Wifi Access Control Scheme” and then you need to pick the MAC addresses to which you wish to grant authorization.
  • By selecting Apply, you may save your changes.

Remember: You may view your device’s IP address in “Active Client Table” to avoid having it blacklisted.


  • While joined to the router, utilize any of your chosen browsers from your specific device.
  • Visit https://www.routerlogin.net/ atau https://www.routerlogin.com/ now.
  • You need to input your router’s username and password to log in. The standard password and username are admin & password, which you can test if they haven’t been changed directly in the previous.
  • Navigate to Advanced menu, and then Advanced Setup, and the option of Wireless Settings.
  • Now, you should select the “Set Up Access List” option.
  • Now, click “Add,” subsequently pick the Device Name from Possible Wireless Cards before clicking Apply.
  • Switch on Access Control and save your changes.

Now, your WiFi can only be accessible by the IPs you’ve specified, and any additional devices/IPs are denied access.